Sunday, September 4, 2011

The end of summer......

Well, summer has 'ended' and the garden is in harvest.  Time for picking and canning, jelly & jam making, and the start of preparing for winter.  Hard to believe Fall is almost upon us.
August held 22 days of 90F and above for The Eastern Plains. Unusually hot for us.
This week's Wednesday brought lower temperatures and last night, Saturday, I had to close the night windows because it was chilly.
I did enjoy the freshness of the air as I snuggled beneath my winter quilt.  Good sleeping weather.
July first I had purposely embarked upon a journey.  Not quite a journey one might think, but another mother would understand.  July was the new fiscal year for our health insurance.  The kids are taken care of and back in school and I had vowed I would go for those dreaded back x-rays and take on whatever the direction I was pointed. Mothers do not submit to being 'broken' until it is in print or so obvious it cannot be hidden anymore  Well, the occasional use of my cane had caught some attention (my nine year old hates me to use it!), but so far, discovering my back brace under my apron has not.  Anyhow, the beginning of the new fiscal year and deductable brought me to Doc S and back x-rays and (most dreaded) MRI.
September 1st found me leaving the small rural hospital holding the disk containing my MRI photos:  100+ photos of my lumbar spine and hips.  Of course I looked at them.  Results of a laymans/mother's eye:  I am most certainly 'broken'.
I am sure I am heading for a long period of treatment & recovery.  I planned for it.  I am surprised , however, the emotions I am experiencing.  I have never had to admit I am 'broken' and have never skipped a beat raising the 5 girls.  It is hard to slow down and stop.
My crafting has all but stopped, too, and , it seems, my creative soul (so necessary to my being) has ceased talking to me.  I sit and blankly stare at my craft table, sewing machine, and paints.
Come on, Mojo!  I so desperately need a friend right now!